Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I found out by chance the other day that a survey took place back in '03 regarding the lifespan of a poet. Which is clearly bullsh**, in all seriousness this pisses me off because they cannot speak for all poets. Then I fell upon a link called crystallinks or something ran by a supposed "psychic" (yeah right) who has the nerve to spit out her unknowledgeable rants about poets. This is a quote taken directly from her article, 
"Most poets do not have the emotional stability nor talent to write or complete a book, so they pour out their pain in poems or short articles." 
And this one:
"Why do poets die young? Most dysfunctional souls leave way or another, the pain becomes too much, further, they are prone to self-destruction in the first place."
She throws out her "assumptions" in harsh tones saying that we lack the ability to write a whole book?That's crap, she has no right to criticize when she's the one living in some delusional "psychic" world. Yes we do tend to lean towards death but we also fall under others like the beauties of the world, love, hope, faith, it goes on. I know that no one will read this because let's face it my two cents mean nothing compared to the rest of the world, but in all honesty, I am PROUD TO BE A POET, I am proud to say that I do fantasize of a more romantic lifestyle, I do believe in love and all it's glories, but I will not sit back and let this kind of crap be thrown around by people who have NO idea what hard work goes into being a poet. It's hard for me even after being published, worrying about how to get my book out, keeping up with whatever royalties I may receive, so on so on. 
Ellie, please be respectful, poetry has come such a long way, it's because of people like Byron, Dickinson, Keats, Frost that this world is at it's highest. We have their words to keep us going. Not "psychic" abilities.   

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sample poem from book 3

Virtual eloquence begins in the mind,
With beauty’s ardent method spiraling
Though the empty spaces of time,
A distinct knowing of fact or fiction
With one’s heart and that of the mind,
A desirable thirst to comprehend the liberating prime,
While a general public’s deficiency
Is that of a sweeter sublime?

Sample poem from book 2

She takes her blinded life on this
To give an appetizing kiss
And lead him through eternal bliss
She is called the temptress
In witty humor causerie
Her noble brow of probity
She’ll let you have her for a fee
To whet your sensuality
Virtuous to man she stands
Goddess of both sea and land
Place all pleasures in her hand
For she is the courtesan.


Funny, how friendships slip through your fingers,
Like the tiny grains of sand,
Or time spent with a loved one,
Wishing you could bottle up this moment,
And shelve it right next to last month's issue of Vogue,
Because the time spent in a moment,
Pinches a nerve,
And leaves a pain,
It wounds you,
Poisons your thoughts,
And memories forever,

So you think maybe it's better,
Not to get involved at all,
Can't be hurt by losing something you never had,
Maybe I will stay in this room,
Away from the world,
Lock up my life,
And throw away the key,
Out of sight, out of mind,
I believe I will,
I've got my Vogue and bottled moments,
And now I must wait,
Wait for my sanity to find me.

Sample poem from book 1

In the book "The Silent Speaker"​ there is a poem I would like to share from page 18 it goes like this:
There are so few who could have claimed
Love’s triumphs,
Who could have rejoiced the pureness of losing
One’s heart,
To give wholly, what you cherish so,
Your soul, your heart, your mind,
And with love’s blessed arrow,
Empowered with her radiant shine
Igniting your flame,
Cry out your lover’s name.
Read more like this by following the link below and ordering a copy.​sr=1-1


Well this is my first entry, and hopefully the first of many. I am a poet, I have a book available online called "The Silent Speaker," check out Amazon or the publisher's webpage PublishAmerica. I am currently at work on my second book, as well as a novel. I will be posting poems up on this page. I hope you all enjoy and take care.

                                                                  Much love,